Volz Experte

  • Männlich
  • 56
  • aus 79348 Freiamt
  • Mitglied seit 4. August 2010
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Erhaltene Reaktionen
  • Hallo Gelbfuß.hab deine SMS bekommen aber mir Schwabe sin so sparsam das ich koine Bild auf mei Handy ufmache ka.Also schick mir des nomol an mei E-mail. bbtrial@t-online.de

  • Hallo Jürgen, alles klar mit morgen in Sulz? hier noch meine mob. Nr. 01632673633. mfg Paul

  • Servus Jürgen, Ruf mich mal an. Klaus

  • Hey Jürgen, hab noch Foto´s von Schönborn für dich,lass mir mal bitte deine Email adresse zukommen...danke

  • hab dein email doch nicht

  • Dear John, (oder sein echten name!!). First my apologies for writing to you with email. I would have preferred a phone call but my English is not up to that. Unfortunately I must back out of our deal on buying your Greeves. I have been having some major issues with my back lately and it may well lead to me not riding a trials bike for a long time  As you know I have paid 500€ as a deposit and backing out usually means losing that money. If however you do manage to sell the bike and get the money you planned, you may want to re-transfer some of it to help reduce my pain  that of course is up to you! Again my sincere apologies for causing you any problems, Very best regards Jürgen the German