BWJ - 22.09. / TSG/TSV/SAM 23.09.2012 in Sulz am Eck / + Gelbe Spur

  • Meisterschaftsläufe im Motorradtrial am 22. und 23. September 2012
    Am Wochenende vom 22. und 23. 9. richtet der MSC Falke zwei Motorradtrials aus.
    Am Samstag findet der 13. Lauf zur Baden-Württembergischen Jugend Meisterschaft statt.
    Der Lauf am Sonntag zählt dann sowohl für die TSG/TSV/Bodensee, als auch die Schweizer Meisterschaft.
    Die Wettbewerbssaison neigt sich dem Ende zu, es wird hart um jeden Tabellenplatz gekämpft.
    Wir erwarten an jedem Tag mehr als 100 aktive Trialfahrer.
    Am Samstag beginnt der Wettbewerb um 11 Uhr, am Sonntag um 9 Uhr.
    Der Eintritt ist frei und für Bewirtung ist bestens gesorgt.
    Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden sich auch im Internet unter

    Für die Fahrer der Klasse 1 ist eine Trainingswertung ausgeschrieben (Gelbe Spur)

  • Nochmals ein Zusatz

    Separate Sektionen für ROT & SCHWARZ sowie GRÜN & BLAU & WEISS & GELB

    Für "INSIDER" - In den hohen Spuren wieder ein großer Rundkurs wie bei der JDM mit der berüchtigten Hangkante = steile anspruchsvolle Hangsektionen im Wald.

    Wir erhoffen uns durch die Trennung der Spuren geringe Wartezeiten vor den Sektionen und wünschen viel Spaß.


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  • We spent hundreds of dollars and hours of our own time, wrapped everything and fought to get some good food when they brought out the groceries. Chaplin (1992)I have to admit I am a huge fan of this movie. And even psychology, which describes human behavior, is a science. Professor Hatfield's study found that we act as sponges and we can absorb other people's emotions good or bad in what is known as 'emotional contagion'. You may be trying to plan an event and finding out that it is a little bit harder than what you thought. Your success lies in the number of visits you get per day on your website or blog. Of course, shopping in Breckenridge is about more than just supporting local businesses, because to be frank it is a lot of fun as the charming and naturist tourist shops will exceed your farthest expectations. This reversible cooking grill is great for fish or meat. So, without further ado:. They have to be taught not only how to use the software, but also some concepts of collaboration that are very unfamiliar.. Don't count Illinois because it mostly grows pumpkins for pie filling. They take pride in the fact that their customers leave the motels satisfied with the rates, comfort and quality of service. Most digital cameras are very inexpensive (especially if you buy them on Ebay!). Ladies comic Margaret Derrick Fork River. Prior to this, Deunan is seen as a wild animal that does not play well with others, often creating problems for Briarios. ;) We used to have little brown bats in Alabama, but I rarely see any bats here in NC where I am. Every take, I feel butterflies. (I prefer using sharpened wooden stakes).. all for a one time fee that's less than half of what you currently pay for cable? (And yes, it's 100 percent legal!) More than half (57 percent) of respondents said they were pleased with their cable or satellite service, with only 26 percent reporting that they have either cancelled or are considering cancelling their service. One can as well shop for the Iphone with most of its products and with time you may wind up losing them or they can turn out to be worn out. The Dunn's experience can't be beaten neither can their expansive collection from which every bride is sure to find her dream shoes.. Having missed my nap I powered up and ran through Boat Pass to arrive at Bruce Debbie's in time for Happy Hour. These text materials are of high quality and are written by good accomplished and qualified writers and are published by renowned publishing companies.<a href="">baidu</a>baidu eeeeee

  • i love you very much All of us constructed for two main many within winter time real estate of various appears to be and additionally substances Brought Water pipe illumination.bbb All of us constructed for two main many within winter time eeeeee