Girliecamp 2006

  • Also meiner Freundin hats auch derart gut gefallen und es hat ihr M?CHTIG was gebracht, wir zahlen gerne soviel mehr wie n?tig ist, um das die Veranstaltung wieder stattfinden kann!
    Und wenn ihr jetzt drauf zahlen m?sst, dann sollte eine "Spendenaktion" ins Leben gerufen werden, weil genau genommen war es f?r 5 Tage ja richtig billig! Wir spenden gerne was nach!


  • Hallo Pity und Axel,

    freut mich das es allen so gut gefallen hat. Wir werden es n?chtes Jahr bestimmt finanziell etwas teurer machen m?ssen, falls es kein FIM zuschu? gibt.

    Diese Jahr wollten wir es nciht mehr teurer machen, da wir es ja schon f?r 100 ? angeboten hatten. Im Endefekt ist es dann genau aufgegangen mit dem Geld nur die Versicherung haben wir zusammen mit dem MSC Gro?heubach bezahlt.

    Aber wir werden es so wie es aussieht n?chstes Jahr ganz sicher wieder machen, nachdem wir so einen riesen Efolg hatten! Und die FIM wird wohl nicht drum rum kommen uns etwas dazu zu geben. Dann k?nnen wir auch das Abendprogramm etwas ausweiten!

  • Hi Iris!

    ich seh Euch schon die Chippendales f?rs Abendprogramm buchen...

    Wenns dann mit dem Zuschu? nicht klappt, organisiere ich eine "low cost version", werde schon ein paar finden :D :D



  • Hei hei hei,

    da h?tte ich nichts dagegen. Vielleicht k?nnen wir ja ein paar von den Trainern daf?r begeistern f?r die M?dels zu strippen! Da k?nnen die M?dels vielleicht noch vorher ausw?hlen wenn sie strippen sehen wollen.

  • Hallo ihr M?dels,

    ich bin wieder aus Schottland zur?ck und habe gute Nachrichten.

    Ich bin die Woche in Schottland zusammen mit Tommi Ahvala gefahren, vielleicht kennt ihr ihn noch er war mal Weltmeister! Er wird mich und Kjerti Fla beo der organisation des n?chsten Girliecamps unterst?tzen, somit treten wir zu zweit auf bei den Verhandlungen um den Zuschu? der FIM. Und die Chancen sind h?her diesen Zuschu? zu bekommen!

    Somit sieht es gut aus f?r das n?chste Girliecamp!!!!

  • Hi Iris!

    einfach weltmeisterlich!! :D :D :D

    Vielleicht kannst Du ja mal einen kleinen Bericht hier posten, wie es Dir in Schottland ergangen ist!

    Gru? + sch?nes Wochenende!!


  • Hey,
    I dont understand so much German, but i understand that you are wondering about if there will be another GirlieCamp next year.

    I understand a little what Iris has replied, and we need money support from the FIM. But i think the FIM will support us next year, so hopefully we will arrange in 2006 as well.

    But i have one question for all you German girls..
    In Norway we have 2 big girliecamps every year, about 35 girls attend every time.
    If we arrange an international girliecamp in Norway, do you think german girls will join in, as the norwegian girls did in Grossheubach ?? :hau:

  • Hi Kjersti!

    nice to meet you here :D :D :D Welcome!

    I think a participation at a norwegian trial camp is as well a question of money, because it is not as cheap to come to Norway. If you take the caravan, the ferry is expensive. If you dont, life is expansive :D

    I admire you for so many girls in Norway which are riding trial so good. Last week at the German championship in Kiefersfelden only 6 girls have been started, in Gro?heubach only 7 (+ Ute K.).

    But perhaps it will give a big run to Norway if you arrange a girlie camp? Make a trial :D

    Best regards!


  • Hi!

    yes, for shure. But if you have 50 girls who ride on a higher level you have 50 candidates for a girliecamp and for example 15 who will/can participate.

    But if you have only 6, you will have perhaps two.

    So we need more Trial riding girls here!! :D :D

    Best regards!!


    This is Kjersti in action at the girliecamp Gro?heubach 2005:

  • Hei Kjersti,

    nice to talk to you in the trialforum. Which was an excelent idea from Axel!

    I think if you will arrange a Girliecamp in Norway for sure we will get some girls in from germany. I don?t know if so many girls will enter like in the Girliecamp in Gro?heubach. Because like Axel said, it is not really cheap to travel to Norway, and this will be a problem!

    But maybe you can arrange it like they want to arrange it in sweden after the european round, so it will be a lot of girls in Norway anyway because of the european round. So they can stay a bit longer, and have a really good practice in the practice Area in Oslo for example. Becaue the practice Area in Oslo is a really, really good one. And also close to the beach to you can use it like a littel holiday trip, too.

    When do you want to organise a Girliecamp? Or is it just an idea? Do you have some news about the Girliecamp the FIM will organise in Sweden? I have had asked Mr. Veneda this week by email. And he said he will give me some informations as soon as he has someones!

  • Hey ho,
    I dont know anything about the FIM girliecamp in Sweden, and i think its a really bad idea moving the girliecamp to sweden when we have the european round in Norway.
    Also i dont think many norwegian girls will attend this because we have the norwegian championship the weekend after the european on the other side of the country.

    Anyway, it was just an idea and a question for all german girls if they would like to attend a girliecamp in norway, just like the norwegian girls did in Germany.


  • Hi Kjersti!

    I think Iris meant perhaps you can it arrange it in Norway after the EM like it will be in Sweden (second camp).

    This would be no bad idea....

    Best regards!!


  • Yes its a good idea, but i dont have the time, because im leaving right after the european to the norwegian championship. And no norwegian girls will attend because they leave the same day as me.

    This is why i think the FIM idea is really stupid..i dont think they have even looked at the norwegian calendar..And for sure if it was a good date, and no race after i think it would have been around 40 norwegian girls.