Tidaholm 3. Inter Nordic Cup Lauf am13./14. Aug.

  • Tidaholms Classic Trial Träff 13 + 14 Aug 2016 Tidaholms Motorklubb 1: Start: Tidaholms Motorstadion. (TMK). Lilla Kleven 4. Daretorp. 522 91 Tidaholm.2: Time: 13 Aug. Start: 11.00 Close: 16.00 14 Aug. Start: 10.00 Close: 16.003: Camping on site is possible, but no Electric. Toilets available. Bath cost 10 sek.It is possible to buy easy breakfast/coffee and lunch.WE WISH EVERYONE WELCOME TO A NICE TRIAL WEEKEND!!4: Course: 15 Single sektions. 2 Laps each day. A + B + C track.5: Entry Fee: 300 sek for both days. 150 sek for one day.Account to Entry Fee: BIC: HANDSESS/ IBAN: SE500000000000989274608.6: Entry Close: 25 July. (Too late entry cost +150 sek)..7: Entries to: Per and Bente Mailadresse: bcremsan@gmail.com8: Classes: 1. Pre 65 Rigid 2. Pre 65 Pre Unit 3. Pre 65 Unit Fourstroke 4. Pre 65 Twostroke 5. Twinschock Fourstroke 6. Twinshock Twostroke 7. + 60 Any Bike( Nordic Cup included).9: Awards. All Riders receive a Replica.10. Scoring: Non Stop.11. All Riders must have a Triallicense or a ”Third part insurance”. With your signature on the Entry Form you agree that you take part on own risk, and cannot claim any responsibility or what so ever from the Organizer.Recomending places to stay:1: Hökensås Camping & Stugby. Håkängen. 522 91 Tidaholm. Tlf: +46 771101200. 2: Tidaholms Camping. Södra Ringvägen 25. 522 30 Tidaholm. Tlf: +46 502-126 13.3: Booking.com: There you can find B&B. (Bed and Breakfast in Tidaholm)..